Monday, August 11, 2008

Candida And Red Hands And Feet, What Causes It, How To Cure It

Candida and red hands and feet often times go hand in hand. A symptom of candida or a yeast infection are red hands and feet. So what causes candida and how do you get rid of it?

Candida and red hands and feet are caused by an imbalance in the body's ph level as well as a poor diet that usually consists of high amounts of sugar, carbohydrates, yeast products, and acidic foods. People who currently take or have taken antibiotics and steroids also experience outbreaks of candida and yeast infections.

Candida needs moist, warm, dark places in order to survive. It also needs a living host. It feeds on carbohydrates, sugars, yeast products, and starches. Foods with high amounts of acid in them throw your ph level off, and an acidic ph level in your body provides the feeding ground for disease and illness to survive.

In order to cure your candida and red hands and feet, you will need to take an honest look at your eating habits and your current lifestyle. Though there are over the counter drugs that will cure your candida and red hands and feet, that cure will only be temporary.

An increase in vegetables high in fiber and low in starches such as broccoli, celery, radish, and asparagus will help. Also eating more lemons and limes will help balance your ph level as they metabolize in the body as alkaline solutions and lower the acidic level of your ph. Also be sure to cut back drastically on your nicotine and caffeine intake as these also do not help your efforts.

Candida and red hands and feet can be cured, and it is actually fairly simple with the right knowledge. The hardest part is sticking to a plan that consists of new foods and a well balanced diet.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

When The 1 Day Yeast Infection Treatment Didn't Work

Many people have had 1 day yeast infection treatment didn't work. Many over the counter drugs work sometimes, however, even when they do work, they don't fix the underlying problem. Many times, these drugs are just a bandaid and not a real solution to the problem.

For example, many people will take pills for a headache. The pill may get rid of the pain, but it doesn't fix the problem of the headache. Often times a headache is caused due to a person not drinking enough water, or not having enough to eat that day. It can also be due to more serious problems.

The same is true for 1 day yeast infection treatment didn't work. The infection in your body may be worse than the treatment is able to deal with. Even still, it only cures the local infection but doesn't fix the problem of the fungus in your body.

A person experiences a yeast infection when the Candida fungus grows out of control in their body. The fungus naturally lives in the lower abdominal tract. When a persons diet and health are not balanced, the fungus is able to grow to other parts of the body. This is why women so often have the biggest amount of trouble, it's right around the corner from where the fungus naturally grows and lives.

Chances are good that you will always experience 1 day yeast infection treatment didn't work if you don't cure the real problem which is a Candida fungus overgrowth. The only way to really fix the problem for good is to balance your diet and use more natural solutions to the problem.

Using Grapefruit Seed Extract Candida Cure

Many people wonder if you can use grapefruit seed extract Candida cure and if it works. Grapefruit, as well as other fruits that are high in acid such as lemons and limes are a great way to help cure yourself of Candida. One must be careful however when working with an extract of any type.

The problem with most fruits when it comes to the Candida fungus and curing oneself is the fact that many fruits are very high in natural sugars. The fungus thrives on sugar, and if not careful, you can actually increase the problems faster than you will cure it.

The reason that fruits such as lemons, limes, and grapefruit work so well is that the acid becomes alkalized in the body when the body metabolizes the acid. Any time that our bodies natural PH level gets out of balance and becomes more acidic, we are very susceptible to illnesses. This is also true of yeast infections and such. These types of fruits actually help to lower the bodies PH level and get things back into balance.

The problem with grapefruit seed extract candida cure is that an extract may have additives such as sugar and other ingredients that may not help cure the fungus. It is better to eat grapefruit than to take an extract for this reason. If however you can find a grapefruit seed extract candida cure that is pure extract, it can be a very valuable asset for overcoming a Candida infection. So be very careful when you are using a grapefruit seed extract candida cure that the extract is a pure extract and not filled with other cheap ingredients to help the company make more profits.

Feldene And Yeast Infection

Feldene and yeast infection often go hand in hand. Although it is a nonsteroid based drug, it still has serious effects on the body. Many people experience Feldene and yeast infection as well as other negative effects from using the drug.

Yeast infections came about when modern medicine started using steroids and antibiotics to cure diseases. Though Feldene is a nonsteroid drug, it still has serious effects on the stomach and intestines. This can cause many infections as a result.

The Candida fungus lives in the intestines. When a drug is taken that has negative effects on the intestines and kills off the micro organisms that live in the intestines, the fungus is able to grow out of control. This is often the case with Feldene and yeast infections.

When Candida grows, it turns into infections in other parts of the body, and it gets worse. This drug has also been known to eat the lining in the stomach and intestines and cause holes. It has also been known to cause heart failure as well as strokes and other serious medical problems.

The best solution is to pay very close attention to your diet. This is the only way to get the Candida overgrowth back in check and cure your yeast infection completely. Creams and medicines will work temporarily, however, it won't kill the overgrowth in your body. You need a solution will will get the fungus back in check completely.

A diet with at least 60% vegetables that are high in fiber and low in starch is your best bet. Stay away from sugar, yeast products, and carbohydrates. You will also want to completely avoid alcohol of any type. Also completely avoid dried or cured meats as well as candied or dried fruits. This is the only real solution to Feldene and yeast infection unless you stop taking the drug completely.

Yeast Infection Of The Tongue Thrush

A yeast infection of the tongue thrush can be absolutely horrible. It effects our self esteem, makes our breathe smell horribly, and it is completely embarrassing.

There are a few solutions to a yeast infection of the tongue thrush. The first is to use over the counter or pharmaceutical drugs to cure it. This is a good solution for a temporary fix, however, it doesn't fix the problem of the fungus growing in your body.

Another solution is to boil 3 cloves of garlic in 2 quarts of water. Allow it to simmer for 5 minutes and then mix in 2 tablespoons of epsom salt. Use this as a mouth wash 3 or 4 times a day until the yeast infection of the tongue thrush has gone away.

Once you have fixed the thrush, you need to take a look at how you intend to get rid of the fungus in your body or you will only have another outbreak again in the future and on other parts of your body. The best solution is to fix your diet.

The problem with most people is that they simply do not eat the right foods, and they certainly don't eat enough of the right foods. This is especially true when talking about illness or yeast infection of the tongue thrush.

It is essential that you eat lot's of green vegetables and other vegetables that are high in fiber and low in starch. This should make up at least 60% of your daily diet while trying to rid yourself of the Candida fungus.

You will have to stop eating foods that contain lot's of sugar, that are high in carbohydrates, and high starch foods. Foods with sugar and yeast in them, such as soda, alcohol, snacks, most cerials, and many other foods feed the fungus and only prolong the infection. Carbohydrates are turned into sugar. Things such as pasta, breads, and grains.

If you really want to get rid of yeast infection of the tongue thrush, you will certainly need to pay attention to the food you eat. Drugs will fix the break out on your tongue, but it won't get rid of the fungus.

Does Grapefruit Seed Extract Cure Candida?

There is a lot of information out there today about natural cures for illnesses, and society is really starting to move more toward all natural cures again. This is especially true when talking about grapefruit seed extract cure Candida.

Many people out there want to know if grapefruit seed extract cure Candida. The quick answer is yes, however, not if you don't use the proper diet as well. If you are not eating a diet with lots of vegetables that are high in fiber and low in starch, and cutting out a lot of the sugar and carbohydrates in your diet, grapefruit seed extract won't be enough to help fix the problem.

The reason that many illnesses break in out in our body is due to an imbalance in the Ph level in our body becomes to acidic. This happens due to our diet and the foods we eat on a regular basis. In order to help cure illness, we need to get our body back into balance. The same is true when talking about Candida and yeast infections. The fungus grows in our body when the acidic level gets to high and the yeast is able to grow and feed on sugars and carbohydrates.

The reason that grapefruit seed extract cure candida is possible is due to the manner in which our body metabolizes those types of foods. Lemons and limes are the same way. Even though these three foods are naturally acidic, they become alkalized inside our body when our body metabolizes them into energy. This helps to balance the Ph level of our body. So the answer is yes to does grapefruit seed extract cure Candida, as long as you use a proper diet as well.