Tuesday, July 8, 2008

9 Foods That Help Increase Candida In Your Body

We all know that food effects our health, however, most people don't realize that food can often times cure, and cause, 90% of all the known diseases and illnesses out there. Here are 10 foods that help increase candida in your body and that should be eaten in small amounts or well balanced with other candida killing foods.

The first of the foods that help increase candida are dairy products. The living organism's in dairy products can contribute to candida and are foods that help increase candida. Don't avoid them completely, just use them in moderation.

The second of the foods that help increase candida in your body are smoked, dried, pickles, and cured foods. Avoid these as much as possible. If you already have candida symptoms or an outbreak, avoid them completely.

The third of foods that help increase candida are fruit juices or dried and candied fruit. These are loaded with sugar and sugar helps feed candida.

The fourth of foods that help increase candida in your body is coffee, tobacco products, black tea, and carbonated drinks. These lower the immune system and often times contain sugars as well.

You should moderate your alcohol intake as well as other foods that contain yeast such as breads. Alcohol contains lots of sugar and yeast, both are necessary foods for candida to survive.

The sixth of foods that help increase candida in your body are fermented foods. Fermented foods help culture micro organism's within the fermented food. These organism's can cause disease in a body that is already candida rich, or lacking in immunity.

The seventh food are foods high in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates turn into sugar when metabolized by the body. Again, sugar feeds candida, avoid it.

The eight of foods that help increase candida are peanuts, brazil nuts, and bulk grains. These all contain mycotoxins.

The ninth food to avoid are overripe fruit and cider vinegar. These are also aflatoxin, a form of mycotoxins and both can debilitate the liver's ability to rid the body of toxins for years. Candida is a toxin.

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