Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Some Candida Cleansing Foods To Eat

Candida is caused by a diet that consists of to much sugar, carbohydrates, acidic food, and yeast products. It is important to pay close attention to your diet and to look for candida cleansing foods to eat. Our diet is often the largest cause of disease and illness, and it is also the easiest thing to fix in order to cure disease and illness. Here are some candida cleansing foods to eat.

Start by cutting back on alcohol. Alcohol contains large amounts of both yeast and sugar. Other foods that are not candida cleansing foods to eat include preserved refined foods, foods that contain yeast and gluton, a wheat bread protein, vinegar, wine, and all foods high in carbohydrates. You will also want to cut out dairy products except for yogurts as they help replenish intestinal bacteria. These are foods that are not candida cleansing foods to eat.

Here is a basic outline of the types of candida cleansing foods to eat. High fiber low starch vegetables are great candida cleansing foods to eat. Such as broccoli, celery, radish, and asparagus. You will also want to include plenty of steamed vegetables in your candida cleansing foods to eat diet.

Complex carbohydrates in small quantities can also be useful when looking at candida cleansing foods to eat. Rice, beans, millet, amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat would be included in this category. Also include very small amounts of fruits as they contain natural sugars. Pineapple, papaya, all types of berries, and grapefruit. Although lemons and limes are very acidic, when metabolized, they become alkalines in the body and help to balance your ph level.

These are just some candida cleansing foods for you to use and this gives a very basic outline of what to eat. Your vegetable intake should be about 65% of your total diet with fruits consisting of only about 5 - 10% of your candida cleansing foods to eat.

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