Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Candida Ph Svamp Mun - Understanding Candida And Curing it

Candida ph svamp mun and understanding candida and how to cure it. Candida is a natural occurring infection that happens due to an imbalance between the natural yeast in your body and the micro organism's in your body.

Candida needs a live host in order to survive and it thrives in warm, moist, dark places. The human body happens to be a perfect place for candida to survive and thrive. When looking at candida ph svamp mun and understanding how to cure it, you need to understand the causes and situations that help candida survive.

First of all, almost all sickness occurs due to an imbalance in the ph level of your body. The more acidic your ph level, the more likely you are to get sick. This also includes fungus and infections such as candida and yeast infections. The foods we eat often times dictates the ph level of our body, and an imbalanced diet will throw our ph level off. This is why it is important to understand candida ph svamp mun and how to control it.

Candida also thrives when you are taking antibiotics and steroids. These drugs allow the body to grow fungus and candida more easily. Candida also needs sugar and yeast in order to survive and grow. Foods with a lot of sugar, even natural sugar, can cause candida to grow in your body. Soda, fruits, alcohol, and other foods that use sugar and or yeast in their ingredients can cause a candida outbreak.

So what do you need to know in order to cure and balance candida ph svamp mun in your body? Take a look at your diet. A diet with to much spice or acidic foods will begin to throw your ph level off. To much sugar in your diet will also increase your chances of a candida infection. A well balanced diet containing fruits, vegetables, rices, grains, and starches is the best path to take. Increase your herbal tea and fruit juice intake, without added sugar to help

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