Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Candida Dawn Hudgins

Candida is a naturally occuring infection which causes the natural yeast in our body to get out of balance with other natural micro-organisms in our body. As a sufferer of candida, Dawn Hudgins tells us that we may suffer some of the following symptoms if we have a candida infection.

Candida, Dawn Hudgins says, can create the following symptoms. You may find that you have infections in your toe or fingernails, blurred vision, brain fog, jumpy legs, eczema, and shortness of breath. Other symptoms of candida Dawn Hudgins suggests are mood swings, chronic rashes, fatigue, pms, hand, hip, and knee pain, constant migraines, and menstrual pain.

Though yeast has always been in the human body, the rise of candida, Dawn Hudgins states, has come about as antibiotics and steroids began to be used within the medical community to cure infections. Ironically, the cure creates another type of the disease. Sugars also help with the growth of candida which is why diabetics suffer from candida and yeast infections so commonly.

Thousands of people suffer from candida, Dawn Hudgins states, and don't even know that they do. Candida requires a living host in order to incubate and grow. Often times, candida never shows because of the body and other natural micro-organisms within the body which keep it in check. A weakened immune system can cause people to suffer from a form of candida.

There are several cures available for candida, however, many of them only temporarily solve the problem. Natural cures can allow you to solve the problem of infections and candida permanently. Do your research or consult a homeopathic specialist in order to find natural cures and their doses.

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